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Application of stable isotopes in clinical medicine
 BIOMED1—Project PL93-1239
  1. R J VONK
  1. Laboratory of Nutrition and Metabolism, Laboratory Centre CMC V, University Hospital, PO Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, the Netherlands

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The use of stable isotopes has long been considered to be a promising tool in biomedical diagnosis. Despite the fact that stable isotope methodology has been known for decades, the application in clinical daily routine is limited. There are various reasons to explain this discrepancy:

  • Expensive instruments to analyse isotopic enrichments and technical knowledge are restricted to a limited number of centres

  • A gap exists in interaction between specialised stable isotope centres and potentially interested clinicians

  • Lack of standardisation of …

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  • Co-ordinators: 1Y Ghoos, 2W A Coward

    Editors: 2M Harding, W A Coward

    1Gathuisberg-Labo Absorptie Digestie, Herestraat 49, Leuven 3000, Belgium; 2MRC Human Nutrition Research, Downhams Lane, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XJ, UK